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  • Call for proposals: March 18, 2024
  • Proposal consultation deadline: April 19, 2024
  • Application Deadline: May 21, 2024

    APUF applications are accepted once per year.

Application Process: 

The Access Programs University Fund (APUF) operates through a two-step application process:  

  1. Consultation with the Access Strategy & Partnerships Office (ASPO) to discuss your proposal;
  2. Submission of a full application package.

To arrange an initiative proposal consultation meeting with ASPO, please email: Please include “APUF Consultation” in the subject line of your email and preferred meeting date and time options for those who plan to attend. 

Proposals will be accepted by invitation only based on a pre-application consultation held prior to the deadline.

The application process is conducted entirely online using the provided submissions forms. No hard copy or email submissions will be accepted.

Please complete the following steps prior to completing the online application: 

*We request that you inform and discuss your proposed initiative with divisional leadership (e.g., Decanal, Principal, Chair, Director) and relevant access outreach and/or programming office(s) to ensure that they are aware of your plans to submit an application. Please consider how your proposed initiative aligns with other access programs and/or activities within your division to ensure alignment with strategic and operational access goals in advance of scheduling a meeting.


The Access Programs University Fund (APUF) seeks to support divisional and university access goals, which are defined differently in different areas. Reflect on whether your initiative responds to goals related to access to postsecondary education in the short (0 – 2 years), medium (2-4 years) or long-term (5 years or more). 

If this is your first time applying for APUF, we encourage you to reach out to previously funded APUF grantees where possible. You can find a searchable list of Previous APUF Recipients here

2024 APUF Application Guide & Proposal Template Form

This document is meant as a reference as you develop your proposal and complete the application form. Please use the 2024 Application Guide & Proposal Template Form to prepare your proposal.  

The complete application process and online application link can be found above.  

All proposals require a detailed budget with the following sections: 

  • A spreadsheet of expected expenses and funding sources (including in-kind sources). 
  • A budget justification for each item in the spreadsheet.  
  • A description of existing university resources leveraged in support of the project. 

The APUF 2024-25 Budget Guideline is intended as a reference as you develop your budget and complete the APUF 2024-25 Budget Form.

Research Component / Disclaimer 

APUF is primarily a grant to develop or expand initiatives/programs that focus on creating intentional pathways to post-secondary education; it is not a research grant. While a research component to a project may be appropriate, the sole purpose of a proposal should not be the production and dissemination of new research.

If a component of a project proposal is research based, please ensure that Research Services has been consulted for ethics guidance. 

If you have a question regarding potential eligibility, please contact  

Research Ethics: IMPORTANT!

While APUF does not fund academic research, research may be one of your planned activities supported by another source. In this case, applicants must include at the time of submission a formal letter or email notification from the University of Toronto Research Ethics Board stating that ethics has been approved, the project is exempt, or that it is pending. Researchers wishing to access student data held by the University, such as ROSI data, should review the Guidelines and Procedures Regarding Access to University of Toronto Faculty, Students and Staff for Research Purposes ( 


Questions regarding the forms or the application process should be directed to the Access Strategy & Partnerships Office at